Issue: October 2016
Cover Story 
Textiles’ – the word brings up images of beautiful drapes – cotton, silk, chiffon, lace. Whether it is the material draped on the figurine of the lady f...
Lead Article

Textiles the word brings up images of beautiful drapes cotton, silk, chiffon, lace. Whether it is the material draped on the figurine of the lady from Mohenjadaro, the stylish drapes of Cleopatra, the ball dance gowns of the Victorian Era or the lovely dresses worn by our own queens and princesse...

  Tapping Sustainable Energy Alternatives
  The second lead article, which is also focus article, is written by Shri N Bhadran Nair. Citing a report of the World Health Organisation, the author has advocated for tapping sustainable energy alternatives
  Financing Renewables in India
  The third article is written by Shri P C Maithani, Adviser, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. He has focussed on renewable energy resources
  Steps to Achieve India’s Solar Potential
  The special article is written by Sumant Sinha, Chairman and Managing Director of ReNew Power. He opines that India must also honour its global commitments on curbing greenhouse gas emissions
Sea Ports : Harbouring Growth

INTERNATIONAL TRADE is the cornerstone of global economy. Exchange of goods amongst countries widens the choice of supply and ensures that production takes place where it is the cheapest and the best. This is reflected in the intensification of globalization and the fact that world trade is growing faster than the world output. World trade relies on cheap and secure transport. Seaborne trade plays a key role in this context since an estimated 90% of global trade by weight takes place by seaborne mode. As trade grows, the demand for maritime transport also grows.

Ports are economic and service provision units of remarkable importance since they act as points for the interchange of two transport modes- maritime and land, either rail or road. Ports are India’s gateways to the world. India’s coastline of about 7517 Kms is spread on the western and eastern shelves of the mainland as also along the sea islands. The coastline is studded with 12 Major Ports besides 200 Non-Major Ports. While the major ports come under the administrative purview of the central government, the responsibility for the development and management of the non-major Ports rests with the respective maritime states/ union territories.

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Do you know? : What is Forensic Auditing
Forensic auditing refers to the auditing with the main aim to employ accounting techniques and methods to gather evidence to investigate the crimes on financial front such as theft, fraud etc.
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