Issue: October 2016
  Tapping Sustainable Energy Alternatives
  The second lead article, which is also focus article, is written by Shri N Bhadran Nair. Citing a report of the World Health Organisation, the author has advocated for tapping sustainable energy alternatives
  Financing Renewables in India
  The third article is written by Shri P C Maithani, Adviser, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. He has focussed on renewable energy resources
  Steps to Achieve India’s Solar Potential
  The special article is written by Sumant Sinha, Chairman and Managing Director of ReNew Power. He opines that India must also honour its global commitments on curbing greenhouse gas emissions
Lead Article

Textiles the word brings up images of beautiful drapes cotton, silk, chiffon, lace. Whether it is the material draped on the figurine of the lady from Mohenjadaro, the stylish drapes of Cleopatra, the ball dance gowns of the Victorian Era or the lovely dresses worn by our own queens and princesse...

About the Issue

The year 2009 marked fifty years since Nagaur in Rajasthan saw the foundations of Panchayati Raj institutions being laid in India. Fifty long years in which this institution has grown from strength to strength, bringing a large community of hitherto left-out people into the folds of governance. Fifty long years in which the common Indian from the remotest corner of the country has proved that he knows what is best for himself, his family and society, and that given a little support, he can think, decide and act for the collective good of his community. Fifty long years that have helped us rediscover the collective strength of the people at the grassroots after we almost lost it under the torturous period of subjugation by the British. Observing the year 2009-10 as the Year of the Gram Sabha was a reconfirmation of this strength of the people.

The Gram Sabha had been visualized as an institutionalized forum of villagers that would ensure that every voice in the village was heard, the needs and concerns of every quarter of the society was addressed and that the elected representatives of the panchayats performed their duties as expected of them. If we look at the last eighteen years since the 73rd constitutional amendment came through, we find a lot to be happy about. Regular and serious panchayat elections, an increasing representation of women and people from other marginalized sections of the society, many forceful voices rising from the grassroots, forcing the powers that be to sit up and take note, a host of innovative development initiatives that have come to fruition under the able stewardship of the people at the grassroots. In fact, in a bold move the India government has also decided to stitch the Gram Sabhas into the industrial fabric of the country. In bits and pieces at first and now regularly, the Gram Sabhas have been given the authority to decide if a particular industrial project should be located in the area where the Sabha operates. If an industrialist has to set up a project, he has to inform the Sabha, give them an opportunity to call a meeting, explain the details of the project and ask for their permission to buy land from the area. Only when the Sabha has approved the same can the project go through.

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Forensic auditing refers to the auditing with the main aim to employ accounting techniques and methods to gather evidence to investigate the crimes on financial front such as theft, fraud etc.
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